Power Walking for Weight Loss

Get your cardio on with a fat blasting power walk!  The weather is warming up so head outside and burn some calories!!  Walk alone with some fast beat music or grab your best friend!  Walking is so great for your heart and for you.  No leisure walking this time!  Walk fast.  Walk like you are racing.  Get outdoors or head to the gym!  Warm up first.  Pick up the pace.  Heal to toe.  Pump your arms.  Don’t you dare swing your arms across your body but rather pump them next to you.  Keep your body tall.  Tuck that butt in.  Heal to toe.  Move those legs quickly.  You should be breathing a little harder and sweating more and more.  Boost your metabolism, improve your cardio, and further your fitness level with a power walk!

Now try it!  Do a warm-up walk for 2-3 minutes.  Turn the accelerator on and power walk for 15-20 minutes.  Coo down for 2-3 minutes.  Pump!  Burn!  Move!  Sweat!  Challenge your body by power walking for 30 minutes!  Lose the weight fast with a quick power walk!

Add this to your cardio workout 3 x a week!  Drop inches today!

Did you go on a power walk today?! 

Take care and get fit.